2023년 1월 16일 월요일

원피스 1072화 스포 번역

1,072장: "기억의 무게."




- 표지에는 Queen, Judge, Caesar가 무기를 만들고 있습니다.


- Flashback: Vegapunk는 Kuma의 힘이 Thriller Bark에서 Luffy의 "고통"에 대해 했던 것처럼 무형의 것을 유형의 것으로 바꾼다고 설명합니다.


- Kaku는 Zoro를 상대로 깨어난 형태를 사용하지만 Zoro는 그를 물리칩니다.


- Stussy는 이전 Rocks Pirates 멤버의 복제품임이 밝혀졌습니다




Confirmed by redon:
Chapter 1,072: "The weight of memory."
On the cover, Queen, Judge and Caesar are creating weapons.
-Flashback: Vegapunk explains that Kuma's power turns intangible things into tangible things, like he did with Luffy's "pain" in Thriller Bark.
-Kaku uses his awakened form against Zoro, although Zoro defeats him.
It is revealed that Stussy is a clone of a former member of the Rock Pirates.
Next week there is no break
Redon added that he dedicated the kinda early release of the leaks to Jmena (Un-amed). RIP
Not 100% confirmed (The former rocks member is Bakkin (Weevil's mum))
here is no delay next week. No Break Next Week. Chapter 1072 on next Thursday (01/19). Chapter 1073 is coming on January 26th




바주랑님 의 원문.


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